Meet Shoshana Rosenbaum

People with the vision to ask 'What if?' and the drive to follow through
Dana Lemaster

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Shoshana Rosenbaum

Welcome, Shoshana. Please tell us about your current line of work and how you got started in it. Please tell us about any awards or upcoming projects, too.

I'm a filmmaker and screenwriter. I have always been into creative writing and visual art, but worked primarily in K-12 education as a teacher and instructional coach until recently. I started by making three short films. My first was a supernatural thriller about the first year of motherhood, THE GOBLIN BABY, in 2014. The script was a finalist in the DC Shorts Screenplay Competition, and the film was awarded Best Narrative Short in the Indie Capitol Awards. In 2017 I made the short film HIDE AND SEEK, about a rock musician turned stay-at-home dad whose impulsive wish sends him into an alternate reality. The script was recognized by Hollyshorts, Austin Film Festival and Screencraft. In 2020 I made the domestic sci-fi thriller NIGHT WAKING, about a family with young children facing an existential crisis. The film won Best Sci-Fi Film at Sick Chicks Flicks Film Festival. In May 2021 I was named DC Filmmaker of the Month. Now in 2024, I have just completed my debut feature as a director, THE OTHER YOU, written by Julie Gold, about a woman who finds a tiny door in her closet that leads to another version of her life.

Do you have any mentors or sources of inspiration?

In 2021 I was honored to be part of the Destroy All Boundaries directing mentorship, with great mentors including Adam Egypt Mortimer, Jordan Crucchiola and David Lawson. They were all instrumental in helping me get my feature film off the ground. I have also really appreciated the mentorship of David Rocchio and David Pope, who run Stowe Story Labs, and several wonderful individual mentors who have helped me with projects there over the years. I am constantly inspired by other filmmakers' work.

What parts of your work do you enjoy most? Why?

I really like directing, because I like bringing all the wonderful contributions of a group of artists together to make a film.

What are your favorite things to do when you have free time?

I like to read, watch movies, swim, hike, and hang out with my friends and family.

Are there any dream projects you'd like to pursue?

I want to keep directing. I'd love to direct AT THE EDGE OF THE WOODS, which is the feature version of my short film THE GOBLIN BABY. I also want to make A.I.LA., which is a sci-drama feature about motherhood and AI.

How can we learn more about you, Shoshana?

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